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Guidance programme

Showing 1 to 7 of 7

Guidance and quality standards in consultation
TitleConsultationTypeConsultation end date
Cabotegravir for preventing HIV-1 in adults and young people [ID6255]Draft guidanceTechnology appraisal guidance
Fosdenopterin for treating molybdenum cofactor deficiency type A [ID6264]Evaluation consultationHighly specialised technology
Intravascular lithotripsy for calcified coronary arteries during percutaneous coronary interventionInterventional procedure consultationInterventional procedures guidance
Rozanolixizumab for treating antibody-positive generalised myasthenia gravis [ID5092]Draft guidanceTechnology appraisal guidance
Digital technologies to support self-management of COPD: early value assessmentDraft guidanceHealth technology evaluation
Pegzilarginase for treating arginase-1 deficiency [ID4029]Evaluation consultationHighly specialised technology
Zolbetuximab with chemotherapy for untreated claudin 18.2-positive HER2 negative unresectable advanced gastric or gastro-oesophageal junction adenocarcinoma [ID5123]Draft guidanceTechnology appraisal guidance

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