1 Guidance

1.1 Current evidence on the efficacy of living-donor lung transplantation for end-stage lung disease and its safety profile for suitable recipients appears adequate to support the use of this procedure.

1.2 The procedure should only be used in selected patients who would otherwise die.

1.3 However, limited evidence suggests that living-donor lung transplantation for end-stage lung disease carries a significant risk of morbidity for donors. Therefore clinicians wishing to undertake this procedure should take the following actions.

  • Inform the clinical governance leads in their Trusts.

  • Ensure that donors receive thorough physical and psychological screening, and counselling about the morbidity associated with this procedure. They should also be provided with clear written information. In addition, use of NICE's information for the public is recommended.

  • Audit and review clinical outcomes of all people donating lungs for transplantation.

1.4 Living-donor lung transplantation for end-stage lung disease should only be performed in specialist centres in the context of a multidisciplinary team. Donor lungs should be harvested by specialist thoracic surgeons.

1.5 Clinicians should enter all donors and recipients into the UK National Audit of Intrathoracic Transplantation.