1 Recommendations

1 Recommendations


Evidence supports the case for adopting PICO negative pressure wound dressings for closed surgical incisions in the NHS. They are associated with fewer surgical site infections and seromas compared with standard wound dressings.


PICO negative pressure wound dressings should be considered as an option for closed surgical incisions in people who are at high risk of developing surgical site infections. Risk factors for surgical site infections are described in section 4.2.


Cost modelling suggests that PICO negative pressure wound dressings provide extra clinical benefits at a similar overall cost compared with standard wound dressings.

Why the committee made these recommendations

PICO negative pressure wound dressings are designed to allow an even distribution of negative pressure on the surface of a closed surgical incision. The system is also designed to be portable. Clinical evidence shows that using PICO dressings for closed surgical incisions can lead to fewer surgical site infections. Evidence also shows that using PICO dressings reduces the rate of seromas compared with standard wound dressings. Cost analyses suggest that using PICO dressings will not add to the overall costs of treatment.