1 Recommendations


Current evidence on the efficacy and safety of living‑donor liver transplantation appears adequate to support the use of this procedure for suitable donors and recipients with normal arrangements for clinical governance, consent and audit, provided that the necessary regulatory requirements are followed.


Clinicians and centres doing this procedure must follow the relevant regulatory and legal requirements of the Human Tissue Authority. This includes carrying out independent assessment interviews and getting statutory approval from the Human Tissue Authority before donation can proceed. During the consent process donors and recipients should have thorough physical and psychological screening and monitoring, and counselling about the morbidity and risks associated with this procedure. They should also be provided with clear written information, including relevant information provided by the Human Tissue Authority. In addition, the use of the information for the public is recommended.


Living-donor liver transplantation should be carried out in specialist centres by a multidisciplinary team.


Clinicians should enter details about all donors and recipients having living‑donor liver transplantation into the NHSBT UK transplant registry, and review clinical outcomes locally.