We are the experts in evidence-based best practice and value for money. Our core purpose is to help practitioners and commissioners get the best care to patients, fast, while ensuring value for the taxpayer.
We do this by:
- producing useful and usable guidance for health and care practitioners
- providing rigorous, independent assessment of complex evidence for new health technologies
- developing recommendations that focus on what matters most and drive innovation into the hands of health and care practitioners
- encouraging the uptake of best practice to improve outcomes for everyone.
The board
Board member profiles, minutes, papers and expenses information.
Executive team
Executive team profiles, minutes, papers and standing orders.
Guidance executive
Details about who signs off guidance for publication.
Our structure
The structure of the organisation and how we work with the government.
Policies, publications and reports
Policies and procedures
Our policies and procedures on topics including declarations of interest, gifts and hospitality, complaints, and more.
Corporate publications
Our charter, annual reports, business plans, gender pay gap report, framework agreement and other publications.
Our principles
The principles that guide the development of NICE guidance and standards.
Our sustainability commitments and how we plan to meet them.
History of the organisation
Key moments from the last 20 years of the organisation's operations.
Transformation plan
Our transformation will ensure we can meet the opportunities and challenges of the changing health and care landscape.