
A list of downloadable documents created during development.

Background information

Lung cancer (non-small-cell, advanced or metastatic maintenance treatment) - erlotinib (monotherapy): EIA form

Lung cancer (non-small-cell, advanced or metastatic maintenance treatment) - erlotinib (monotherapy): appeal

Lung cancer (non-small-cell, advanced or metastatic maintenance treatment) - erlotinib (monotherapy): final appraisal determination

Lung cancer (non-small-cell, advanced or metastatic maintenance treatment) - erlotinib (monotherapy): appraisal consultation 2

Lung cancer (non-small-cell, advanced or metastatic maintenance treatment) - erlotinib (monotherapy): appraisal consultation

Lung cancer (non-small-cell, advanced or metastatic maintenance treatment) - erlotinib (monotherapy): response to consultee and commentator comments on the provisional matrix

Lung cancer (non-small-cell, advanced or metastatic maintenance treatment) - erlotinib (monotherapy): response to consultee and commentator comments on the draft scope

Lung cancer (non-small-cell, advanced or metastatic maintenance treatment) - erlotinib (monotherapy): final scope

Lung cancer (non-small-cell, advanced or metastatic maintenance treatment) - erlotinib (monotherapy): draft scope

Lung cancer (non-small-cell, advanced or metastatic maintenance treatment) - erlotinib (monotherapy): provisional matrix