Do you represent a VCS organisation? Your organisation can help shape our guidance, improving NHS and care services for the communities you serve.

You can:

  • help to develop our guidance and standards by:
    • joining a committee to help develop our guidance and standards
    • telling us what you think about guidance that's being developed
  • get support from our peope and communities team on being involved
  • work with us to put our guidance into practice for the benefit of your communities.

Helen Bulbeck, director of services and policy at Brainstrust

Helen talks to us about how her organisation uses our guidance as a driving force for their work with NHS services to close the gaps for people living with brain tumours.

How can I get involved?

Help us develop guidance

Find out more about how you could help us develop guidance on a broad range of clinical, public health and social care topics.

Our VCS forum

The voluntary and community sector forum is a way for you to share your organisation's views, perspectives and priorities.

Talk to us

Do you have questions about getting involved with our work? Do you want to know more about how we do what we do? Get in touch.

Our dedicated team develops and supports the involvement of members of the public, carers, people who use NHS and care services and the organisations who represent their interests.

You can either email us at or give us a call on 0161 870 3020.