Easy access to information from NICE on social care topics.
These quick guides are based on our guidance. They are written for specific social care audiences. They can be used for staff training, supporting people who use social care services, and conversations with health and care professionals.
Developing a positive working culture for supporting disabled children and young people with severe complex needs
A quick guide for social workers and social care practitioners.
Published: June 2022.
View the quick guide
Promoting wellbeing and positive identity for a child or young person who is looked after
A quick guide for social workers and social care practitioners.
Supporting people who provide unpaid care for adults with health or social care needs
A quick guide for social care practitioners.
A quick guide for registered managers of care homes.
A quick guide for registered managers on how to safeguard adults in care homes.
A quick guide for registered managers of care homes.
A quick guide for social workers.
A quick guide for social workers.
Helping to prevent winter deaths and illnesses associated with cold homes
A quick guide for home care managers.
A quick guide for young people and their families.
A quick guide for managers of mental health services for young people.
A quick guide for social workers.
A quick guide for care home managers and home care managers providing medicines support.
A quick guide for registered managers of care homes and home care services. This guide will support you in helping individuals to plan their future care and support options.
Improving young people's experiences in transition to and from inpatient mental health settings
A guide for practitioners supporting young people with mental health needs.
A quick guide for practitioners supporting people growing older with learning disabilities
A quick guide for registered managers of care homes to help prevent pressure ulcers.
A quick guide for people with dementia and their family and carers following a dementia diagnosis.
A quick guide for staff delivering intermediate care services to help promote independence.
Arranging services for people with a learning disability and behaviour that challenges
A quick guide for commissioners about arranging services for those with a learning disability.
A quick guide for people using adult social care services. This guide outlines what to expect during assessment and care planning.
A quick guide for home care managers providing medicines support about effective record keeping and ordering of medicines.
A quick guide for practitioners and managers supporting children, young people and families after abuse and neglect.
A quick guide for young people receiving support after abuse.
A quick guide for managers and staff in care homes on preventing infection.
A quick guide for home care managers providing medicines support.
A quick guide for people using intermediate care.
A quick guide for registered managers of care homes and home care about individuals moving between hospital and home.
A quick guide for care home managers. This will help care staff to recognise and prevent delirium within those living in a care facility. A Welsh version is available on the Social Care Wales website.
A quick guide for practitioners supporting young people to help build independence through planning for transition.
A quick guide for care home managers. This guide aims to help improve oral health in adults who live in care homes.
A quick guide for people who arrange their own home care about accessing better home care.
About these guides
We've developed these guides in partnership with The Social Care Institute for Excellence. They provide you with key information for social care topics in a simple, visual form.