Take part in the production of medical technologies guidance.
Anyone can register with NICE to:
- comment on the draft scope (this sets out what the guidance will and will not cover)
- comment on the draft recommendations
- get advanced notice of when guidance will publish.
You can register at any time during the development of guidance, but you can't join a stage of the process that's been completed.
How to register
- Complete the stakeholder registration form (Word).
Send the completed form to us:
- by email to medtech@nice.org.uk
- by post toNational Institute for Health and Care Excellence
3rd floor
3 Piccadilly Place
M1 3BN.
We'll send confirmation of your registration within 5 working days.
If you need help with registration contact medtech@nice.org.uk .
Medical technologies guidance
Comment on a consultation
You don't need to be registered as a stakeholder.