Who can become a registered stakeholder?

Registration is open to anyone with an interest in the topic who is one of the following:

  • The company that notified the technology to NICE, and sponsors or manufacturers of related technologies.
  • A national organisation that represents the healthcare professionals who operate, refer to, or use the results of the diagnostic technologies to be covered in the evaluation, or who treat patients identified by the diagnostic technologies.
  • A national patient or carer organisation that directly or indirectly represents the interests of people whose care may be impacted by the guidance.
  • A provider of NHS services in England.
  • A commissioner of NHS Services in England.
  • A statutory organisation including the Department of Health and the Care Quality Commission.
  • A research organisation that has done nationally recognised research in the area.
  • Specialist committee member applicants. These are automatically registered as stakeholders by the programme team.

Unless otherwise specified above, registered stakeholders may be based anywhere in the world.

Why register as a stakeholder?

Registered stakeholders:

  • are invited to attend the scoping workshop for the topic. At the workshop the draft scope is reviewed, and issues and questions relating to the topic are discussed. The only people invited to the scoping workshop are registered stakeholders, including the technology manufacturer(s) or sponsor(s); the diagnostics advisory committee members, and the external assessment group (the academic centre which carries out the assessment).
  • may be asked by the external assessment group (EAG) to provide information relevant to the topic.
  • are invited to comment on the EAG's diagnostics assessment report for a 2 week consultation period. Only registered stakeholders are invited to comment on this report.
  • have 5 days more than members of the general public to comment on the draft guidance on the topic.
  • are informed in advance of publication dates for diagnostics guidance.

When does stakeholder registration close for a topic?

There is no closing date for registration, but stakeholders are not able to retroactively join in the parts of the process which have already happened by the time they register.

Which topics are currently accepting stakeholder registrations?

All topics in development can accept stakeholder registrations. See the list of diagnostic technology assessments in development.

How to register as a stakeholder

To register as a stakeholder for a particular guidance topic, potential stakeholders should complete:

The registration and confidentiality forms are also available from the diagnostics assessment programme team (contact details below).

Please note that registration is not complete until a confidentiality form has been completed. Confidentiality agreements are necessary because registered stakeholders see some documents which are not made public, and see other documents before they are publicly released.

We will confirm that you have been registered as a stakeholder. If you have not received a confirmation within 20 days, please email diagnostics@nice.org.uk or call 0161 219 3892.

Stakeholders must register for each guidance topic separately.

How to find out about diagnostic technologies guidance in development

When a topic is initiated, we inform potential stakeholders of the opportunity by email and the information is made available on the diagnostics assessment programme pages on the NICE website.

We cannot guarantee to notify all organisations that may have an interest in a diagnostic topic. Potential stakeholders are strongly encouraged to regularly check the list of diagnostic technologies guidance in development.

NICE produces a monthly e-newsletter that gives details of forthcoming guidance, consultations on guidance in progress, and future events. Subscribe to the e-newsletter.

NICE contact details

Email: diagnostics@nice.org.uk


Diagnostics Assessment Programme
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
3rd floor
3 Piccadilly Place
M1 3BN
United Kingdom

Telephone: 0161 219 3892