Health Technology Assessment Innovation Laboratory (HTA Lab)

The HTA Lab enables NICE to develop creative solutions to complex problems in health technology assessment.

It offers a ‘safe space’ for creating solutions in collaboration with system partners and stakeholders.

The number, range and complexity of technologies we review has never been greater. The way these technologies are regulated in science and healthcare is also developing rapidly.

This poses a challenge to NICE when we're assessing some technologies. The pace of innovation can sometimes mean using our existing methods alone might not meet the needs of patients, the public and health and care system partners.

It's our duty to keep ahead of these developments to make sure patients gain rapid access to the newest and most promising treatments.

To address these challenges, we've developed the HTA Lab, which will allow us to:

  • develop technical and policy solutions to adequately help assess innovative health technologies
  • make sure that our guidance is useful and usable, particularly for technically complex and disruptive technology.

The HTA Lab aims to create new methods and processes for health technology assessment, taking innovation from the lab and into practice.

Nick Crabb, programme director of scientific affairs at NICE

How does the HTA Lab work?

Using collaborative and innovative approaches, the HTA Lab will help us work with our stakeholders and develop solutions to complex health technology issues.  

HTA Lab uses tools such as the ‘policy sandbox’ to support innovation and co-creation of solutions. The sandbox concept was first pioneered in the financial sector. It was used as a safe environment to test new products, push the boundaries and try out innovative ways of working.

Our use of the sandbox approach builds on previous experience working on the European Horizon 2020 HTx project. For this project, we applied this approach in collaboration with stakeholders from across Europe.

Find out more in a blog from Nick Crabb, programme director of scientific affairs at NICE: A ‘safe space’ for addressing complex health technology assessment challenges.

Current projects

AI in health technology assessment

AI is expected to be a growth area in many aspects of healthcare, including NICE’s work. The potential uses of AI for HTA is an active topic for the HTA Lab. To start, we led the development of a NICE position statement on the use of AI in evidence generation.

Comparing the environmental impacts of health technologies

There's growing interest in the link between HTA and environmental sustainability. The HTA Lab is looking into how we might compare the environmental impacts of certain interventions. This could provide a way for us to support the healthcare system’s net zero ambition.

Disease-modifying dementia treatments (DMDTs)

DMDTs are anticipated to alter disease progression and change the management of Alzheimer’s disease. The HTA Lab is conducting a project to identify the key issues that are likely to emerge during the evaluation of these treatments.

Enabling individualised therapies

This HTA Lab project aims to get a clearer understanding of the technologies that enable individualised therapies, their development pipeline, and the associated challenges. This will ultimately strengthen NICE's capacity to appraise these therapies, supporting timely patient access to innovative treatments.

Metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis (MASH)

Emerging treatments for MASH offer promising therapeutic prospects. However, they also present significant challenges for HTA and implementation. The HTA Lab aims to identify and examine the challenges in evaluating MASH treatments. It also seeks to increase the consistency of future economic models in this area.

Past projects

Rapid entry to managed access (REMA)

As part of NICE work to develop a proportionate approach to technology appraisals, we looked at a new approach to appraising medicines which were highly likely to need a managed access agreement.

Virtual wards 

The HTA Lab has contributed to the development of NICE guidance on virtual ward platform technologies for providing virtual wards for people with acute respiratory infections.

Contact us

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