5-year equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) roadmap and annual action plan

We're committed to creating a forward-looking, positive work culture where everyone can thrive. Our 5-year equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) roadmap outlines our strategic approach to achieving this by focusing on our value of 'embracing difference'.

Key points

The main areas are:

  • our 5 overarching NICE-wide areas of focus (with specific objectives for each)
    1. improve the diversity of our workforce
    2. create a consciously inclusive work culture
    3. build a community of inclusive leaders
    4. confident in our work: equalities and health inequalities
    5. establish NICE as an active anchor organisation.
  • the core areas of work we will undertake in each area
  • a framework for how we will work together and hold ourselves collectively to account for achieving our goals.

View our 5-year EDI roadmap.

View our equality objectives and equality programme 2020 - 2024.

2024/25 EDI action plan

Building on our achievements, the action plan for 2024/25 aims to continuously improve our EDI workforce performance.

Our key priorities includes:

  • improving the diversity of our workforce
  • creating a consciously inclusive work culture
  • building a community of inclusive leaders.

The action plan incorporates:

  • areas for improvement identified for year 1 of the 5-year EDI roadmap
  • annual priorities of our staff networks.

It addresses workforce EDI challenges, including:

  • the under-representation of ethnic minority staff in senior level roles
  • disparities in quality of staff experience for colleagues with a disability, or long-term health condition
  • addressing inappropriate workplace behaviours, including bullying and harassment.

It's aligned to:

  • our organisational equality objectives, as set out in the 5-year EDI roadmap
  • our 5-year EDI roadmap key performance inticator and targets for 2024/25
  • our values and behaviours.

Our EDI objectives 2024/25

Improve the diversity of our workforce


  • Improve the inclusivity of recruitment process and practice (workforce and committee recruitment).

Create a consciously inclusive work culture


  • All staff understand the 5-year EDI roadmap and their roles and responsibilities, and can demonstrate how they are living the value ‘We embrace difference’.
  • We have effective workforce EDI governance and operational processes in place to support delivery of the 5-year EDI roadmap.
  • We reduce levels of bullying and harassment within the workplace.
  • We improve the workplace experiences of staff working with disabilities, neurodiversity and/or long-term health conditions.
  • We improve the workplace experiences of staff a) going through menopause b) who identify as trans/ non-binary.
  • We continue to listen to the voices of lived experience.
  • Ensuring EDI is embedded in all our ‘people’ processes and practices.

Build a community of inclusive leaders


  • All senior leaders are clear about their role and responsibilities regarding EDI.
  • All senior leaders have access to high-quality EDI development opportunities.