Board, executive team and senior leaders interests register

This register shows current declarations of interest made by our:

  • non-executive directors
  • executive team members
  • senior leaders.

We publish it as part of our commitment to transparency and openness.

We keep a record of previously declared interests for 2 years. Contact us to request information about previous interests.

More information

Our declaration of interests policy (Word) explains what we mean by 'interests' and:

  • when they must be declared
  • how they are recorded
  • how conflicts of interest are managed.

Non-executive directors

Non-executive directorInterests
Sharmila Nebhrajani OBE (board chairman) Trustee, Thompson Reuters Founders Share Company. (remunerated)

General council member, University of Oxford. (non-remunerated)

Non-executive director, Halma plc. (remunerated)

Chairman, Sovereign Grant Audit Committee. (non-remunerated)

Non-executive director, Lord Chamberlain's Committee. (remunerated)

Non-executive director, Coutts & Co. (remunerated)

Non-executive director, ITV plc. (remunerated)

Non-executive director, Severn Trent Water plc. (remunerated)
Dr Mark Chakravarty (non-executive director) Advisor, Archetype. (remunerated)

Non-executive director, Care Quality Commission. (remunerated)

Non-executive director, Health Innovation Manchester. (remunerated)

Strategic advisor, Nye Health. (remunerated)

Co-owner and company director, Squarecircle Consulting GmbH. (remunerated)

Spouse is owner and company director, Squarecircle Consulting GmbH. (remunerated)

Advisor & investor Quantified Communications Inc, shares and convertible debt. (remunerated)

Consulting executive, Corporate Visions Inc. Communications Training. (remunerated)

Novartis & Alcon shares/options which are either blocked or managed under a blind mandate. (remunerated)
Jackie Fielding (non-executive director) Non-executive director at Ossiform (remunerated)

Member of Patient Safety Committee, South Tyneside & Sunderland Foundation Trust (remunerated)

Non-executive director, Sequana Medical. (remunerated)

Associate NED at South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation (remunerated)
Professor Gary Ford CBE (non-executive director) Director, Accelerare - support activities of the Oxford Academic Health Science Network. (non-remunerated)

Board member – NHS England prevention and long-term conditions (non-remunerated)

Co-chair, NHS England Cholesterol and Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Expert Advisory Group (non-remunerated)

Bayer acute stroke trial consultancy. (remunerated – paid to employer)

Chair trial steering committee NIHR funded Pharyngeal Electrical stimulation for Acute Stroke dysphagia Trial (PhEAST). (non-remunerated)

Trustee, Health Services Research UK. (non-remunerated)

Professor of stroke medicine, Green Templeton College, Oxford University, governing body fellow. (non-remunerated)

Consultant physician, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. (remunerated)

Chief executive officer, Oxford Academic Health Science Network. (remunerated)

Consultant Stroke Physician at the Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust, seconded from employer, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (remunerated)
Alina Lourie (non-executive director) Non-executive director, Tellmi - a provider of a mental health app for young people (non-remunerated)

Member, Knowledges and Services Board, and special advisor, Institute of Engineering and Technology. (remunerated)
Professor Bee Wee CBE (non-executive director) Member of the Commission on Palliative and End of Life Care (non-remunerated)

Medical delegate to Oxford University Press, University of Oxford. (non-remunerated)

External examiner, University of Otago, New Zealand. (remunerated)

Review board member, the National Medical Research Council of Singapore. (remunerated)

Member, Deloitte Clinical Network. (remunerated)

Visiting professor, Bournemouth University. (non-remunerated)

Visiting Professor, Lewis-Manning Hospice. (non-renumerated)

Donation governor, Christ’s Hospital. (non-renumerated)

Honorary professor, palliative medicine, Sichuan University, China. (non-remunerated)

Official fellow, Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford. (renumerated)

Consultant and senior lecturer in palliative medicine, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. (renumerated)

Committee member of Funding Committee for NIHR Applied Research Collaborative Call (non-remunerated)
Dr Justin Whatling (non-executive director) Member, techUK Health & Social Care Council. (non-remunerated)

Managing director, Global Health & Life Sciences at Palantir Technologies. (remunerated)

Member of academy of computing board, BCS The Chartered Institute of IT, representing BCS on the BMJ Health & Care Informatics Journal’s Management Committee. (non-remunerated)

Member of CW+ Innovation Advisory Group, led by Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and its official charity CW+. (non-remunerated)

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Executive team members

Executive team memberInterests
Dr Samantha Roberts (chief executive) Chair of the National Council for the AI Centre for Innovation in Regulatory Science (CERSI-AI) (non-remunerated)

Member, Singaporean Agency for Care Effectiveness, International Advisory Group. (remunerated to NICE)

Share options in Legal and General Plc. (remunerated)
Jonathan Benger (chief medical officer, deputy chief executive
and interim director of the centre for guidelines)
Consultant in emergency medicine, University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust. (remunerated)

Honorary consultant in pre-hospital emergency medicine, South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust. (non-remunerated)

Professor of emergency care, University of the West of England, Bristol. (remunerated)
Helen Williams (chief people officer) Medtronic shares (to be placed in a blind trust).
Mark Chapman (director of HealthTech) Spouse is employed at Blackpool Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

Shareholding in Medtronic PLC (shares held in a blind trust).

Spouse owns small shareholding in Medtronic PLC.
Nick Crabb (chief scientific officer) Brother works for The Devices Centre of Excellence, Pfizer R&D UK Ltd.
Jane Gizbert (director of communications) Governor, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, Council of Governors. (non-remunerated)
Helen Knight (director of medicines evaluation) No registered interests.
Clare Morgan (director of impact and partnerships) No registered interests.
Pete Thomas (director of finance) Trustee of Cardiomyopathy UK, the national charity supporting people affected by heart muscle disease.
Raghu Vydyanath (chief information officer) Close relative is employed by Access Infinity Digital, which assists pharma companies.

Shareholding - Oracle Corporation.

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Senior leaders

The following interests have been declared by staff above salary grade 8d on the Agenda for Change or the equivalent salary on medical and dental terms and conditions.

Senior leaderInterests
Peter Barry (consultant clinical adviser) University of Leicester – honorary senior lecturer. Ad hoc undergraduate teaching and student support at the University of Leicester.

University of Central Lancaster – external examiner, MSc mountain medicine. Responsible for providing external quality assurance for the academic components of the course.

Trustee, Rainbows Hospice for Children and Young People, Loughborough.

Member, editorial board, ’Paediatric and Neonatal Pain’ journal.
Jacoline Bouvy (programme director, medicines evaluation) Member of the Advisory Council for Europe, Middle East & Africa (ACEMEA) of the Drug Information Association (DIA). Non-renumerated
Jeremy Braybrook (consultant clinical adviser) Somerset, Avon and Gloucestershire Cancer Alliance SACT lead, medicines optimisation lead for University Hospital Bristol and Weston.

Royal College of Physicians regional specialty adviser for medical oncology.

Trustee 'It's in the Bag' testicular cancer charity.

Medical oncology adviser to Genesis care.

Private practice in medical oncology through Bristol Oncology Ltd - one session/week and practice mirrors NHS work in breast and testicular cancer.

Honorary associate professor, University of Bristol.

Employed by University of Oxford as a senior clinical research fellow (one day/week).

Employed by University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation trust as a consultant medical oncologist.
Elaine Cartwright (associate director, resource impact) Trustee – The David Lewis Centre.
Anastasia Chalkidou (associate director) HTAi Scientific Meeting Advisory Group.

Co-Chair HTAi Medical Devices interest group.
Auz Chitewe (programme director of improvement) Company Director - Veemoo Ltd. Primarily engaged in teaching, coaching, mentoring and advising on the science of improvement.

Teaching faculty - Institute for Healthcare Improvement. Provide teaching, coaching and improvement advice on the science of improvement in the healthcare sector.
Dalia Dawoud (associate director, research) Professor, Cairo University (faculty of pharmacy).

Executive Committee Secretary of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Social and Administrative Pharmacy Section (FIP).

Director on ISPOR Board of Directors.

Associate Editor, Value in Health (ISPOR Journal), 2020-2024.
Ross Dent (associate director) Spouse is Consultant in Acute Medicine and Nephrology, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust.
Lesley Goodburn (head of public involvement and engagement ) Support and work closely with Pancreatic Cancer UK

Involved as a patient carer partner in numerous pancreatic cancer research groups and projects

Chair of the PPI Group for the NPACA Audit for pancreatic cancer

Trustee of The Dove Service Bereavement Charity

Board Member of Primary Care Commissioning.
Johanna Hulme (associate director, medicines optimisation) Parent governor on Chelford Church of England Primary School’s Governing Board.
Pall Jonsson (programme director) Board member of the GetReal Institute which is incorporated in the Netherlands (a not-for-profit organisation).
Kate Kelley (associate director) Close family member is a psychiatry trainee.
Jeanette Kusel (director, NICE Advice) ISPOR surrogate endpoint taskforce member.
Lizzy Latimer (associate director, MTEP) Spouse works part time for a consultancy that receive work from companies that will be making submissions to NICE.
Marie Anne Ledingham (consultant clinical advisor) Member Healthcare Improvement Scotland Pregnancy Screening Standards Group.

Examiner MBChB University of Glasgow.

Clinical advisor maternity and newborn safety investigations.

Advanced training skills director in fetal medicine West of Scotland Deanery.

Examiner part 3 MRCOG RCOG.

Member Clinical Quality Assurance Group RCOG.

Deanery ultrasound co-ordinator RCOG.
Adam Linney (associate director, people) Director of a community interest company (Autism Haven CIC).
Danielle Mason (associate director, strategic communications and marketing) Spouse is employed by Veeva Systems.
Mark Minchin (associate director, indicators) Family member is Head of Major Projects in the UK for an international care home operator.
Vanessa Nunes (associate director, guidelines development/NGA and NGC) Spouse is the founder and Director of Symmetron Ltd.
John Patterson (GP clinical advisor) Associate medical director for NHS GM (locality lead for Oldham).

GP for HopeCitadel Healthcare.

Shareholder HopeCitadel (Community CIC shares - all assets ‘locked’ ).

HSJ Judge NHS health inequality oversight group.
Hannah Patrick (consultant clinical advisor) Work as specialist clinical doctor at Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust.

Spouse is a consultant physician at King's College Hospital and chief clinical information officer.

Chair of Peoples-Praxis - a charity for global public health training.
Pilar Pinilla-Dominguez (associate director, international and education services). Member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Health Economics Association.

Editorial board of Gaceta Sanitaria (scientific journal).
Eric Power (programme director) Registered with General Pharmaceutical Council. 

Spouse is employed as Project Manager in NHS England Primary Group.
Koonal Shah (associate director) Office of Health Economics - member of the OHE Policy Committee.

EuroQol Group Association – member of the EuroQol Group.

University of Sheffield – honorary senior research fellow at the School of Health and Related Research.
Rebecca Smith (associate director) Spouse works at the Daily Mail Group.
John Spoors (programme director, CMAMP) PhD Student at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Honorary Researcher at the University of Manchester
Sanjay Tanday (associate director, content and channels) Spouse works for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust.
Nichole Taske (associate centre director, methodology) Member of the QinetiQ Ethics Committee (QEC).
Andrew Walsh (associate director, commercial) Spouse works for NICE
Ian Watson (associate director) Friends employed by pharmaceutical companies in HTA/economic modelling and in early research (no financial relationship and no knowledge of involvement with specific technologies).

Family member employed in the pharmaceutical industry, but not understood to have any involvement in any technologies that are subject to NICE guidance or to be considered for guidance.
Steve Williamson (associate director) Associate Lecturer status at Newcastle University (Oncology MSc, school of Pharmacy).

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