To ensure continuity of care, healthcare professional(s) with the appropriate competencies should coordinate the patient's rehabilitation care pathway. Key elements of the coordination are as follows.
The healthcare professional(s) may be intensive care professional(s) or, depending on local arrangements, any appropriately trained healthcare professional(s) from a service (including specialist rehabilitation medicine services) with access to referral pathways and medical support (if not medically qualified).
Ensure the short-term and medium-term rehabilitation goals are reviewed, agreed and updated throughout the patient's rehabilitation care pathway.
Ensure the delivery of the structured and supported self-directed rehabilitation manual, when applicable.
Liaise with primary/community care for the functional reassessment at 2 to 3 months after the patient's discharge from critical care.
Ensure information, including documentation, is communicated between hospitals and to other hospital-based or community rehabilitation services and primary care services.
Give patients the contact details of the healthcare professional(s) on discharge from critical care, and again on discharge from hospital.
See the NICE guideline on patient experience in adult NHS services.