10 Sources of evidence considered by the Committee

10 Sources of evidence considered by the Committee

The diagnostics assessment report for this assessment was prepared by the School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR), University of Sheffield:

Harnan S, Tappenden P, Essat M et al. Measurement of exhaled nitric oxide concentration in asthma: NIOX MINO, NIOX VERO and NObreath. August 2013

Registered stakeholders

The following organisations accepted the invitation to participate in this assessment as stakeholders. They were invited to attend the scoping workshop and to comment on the diagnostics assessment report and the diagnostics consultation document.


  • Aerocrine Ltd

  • Bedfont Scientific Ltd

  • Intermedical UK Ltd

Professional/specialist and patient/carer groups:

  • Association of Respiratory Nurse Specialists (ARNS)

  • Asthma UK

  • Department of Health

  • Healthcare Improvement Scotland

  • National Clinical Guidelines Centre

  • NHS Lanarkshire

  • NHS England

  • Primary Care Respiratory Society

  • Research in Real Life Ltd

  • Royal Aberdeen Children's Hospital

  • Royal College of Nursing

  • Royal College of Pathologists

  • Welsh Government

ISBN: 978-1-4731-0533-1