The point‑of‑care coagulometers are designed to monitor the clotting tendency of blood in people on long‑term vitamin K antagonist therapy, such as those with atrial fibrillation or artificial heart valves who are at risk of thrombosis. The tests allow monitoring by 2 different methods of care: self‑testing and self‑managing. Both methods are based on the international normalised ratio (INR), which is a standardised unit for measuring the time it takes for blood to clot. Self‑testing refers to the user doing the INR test themselves and then contacting their healthcare professional with the reading for advice on any change to the dosage of the anticoagulant that may be needed. Self‑managing refers to the user doing the INR test themselves and then self‑adjusting the dosage of their anticoagulant medication by following an agreed care protocol. Together, these methods of care are referred to as self‑monitoring.