6 Recommendations for further research

6.1 Further diagnostic accuracy studies, or analyses of existing data sets, are recommended to assess the accuracy of the tests included in this assessment in the following subgroups:

  • people who are premenopausal

  • people who are postmenopausal

  • people with suspected early stage ovarian cancer, that is, disease apparently confined to the pelvis.

    Future studies should be done in populations that are representative of people with suspected ovarian cancer who are assessed in NHS secondary care.

6.2 Further research is recommended to assess:

  • inter-observer reproducibility of tests involving ultrasound scans (the ADNEX model and Simple Rules)

  • changes in clinical management based on test results from the ADNEX model, Overa (MIA2G), ROMA and Simple Rules.

6.3 Further research is recommended to assess the diagnostic accuracy of the tests included in this assessment when used in combination; for example sequentially.