1 Recommendations

1 Recommendations

NICE medical technologies guidance addresses specific technologies notified to NICE by sponsors. The 'case for adoption' is based on the claimed advantages of introducing the specific technology compared with current management of the condition. This case is reviewed against the evidence submitted and expert advice. The medical technology guidance on VibraTip recommends further research. This recommendation is not intended to preclude the use of the technology in the NHS but to identify further evidence which, after evaluation, could support a recommendation for wider adoption.


VibraTip shows potential to improve the detection of diabetic peripheral neuropathy and to provide cost savings to the NHS. VibraTip appears to be easy to use, portable and reliable in its functionality, but the current evidence does not support the case for its routine adoption in the NHS. Therefore, research is recommended to address uncertainties in the potential benefits to patients and the NHS of using VibraTip. Research is needed into the diagnostic accuracy of VibraTip compared with the 10 g monofilament and calibrated tuning fork in the diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy in people with diabetes. This research should also address the assessment of vibration perception compared with touch sensation in this clinical context. NICE will update this guidance when substantive new evidence becomes available.