The company's scenario analyses included exploring the use of alternative sources of clinical effectiveness, a univariate deterministic sensitivity analysis and a probabilistic analysis of the base-case results. For open surgery, it used 3 alternative sources for the proportion of patients experiencing complications (Kurz et al. 1996, Flores-Maldonado et al. 2001, Anannamcharoen et al. 2012). For laparoscopic surgery, the company presented 2 scenario analyses that used data on the proportion of patients with hypothermia linked with complications associated with open surgery (Billeter et al. 2014). The first of these used data from Mason et al. (2016) whereas the second used data from Sammour et al. (2010). The analyses showed that the costs for treating stroke (£2,715 to £13,858) and surgical site infections (£2,100 to £10,500) had the largest effects on the results.