Update information
April 2023: In recommendations 1.3.12 and 1.4.4, we updated the information about when placental growth factor (PLGF)-based testing for pre-eclampsia should be carried out. This brings it in line with our diagnostics guidance on PLGF-based testing to help diagnose suspected preterm pre-eclampsia.
June 2019: We have reviewed the evidence on the assessment of proteinuria and the treatment of women with chronic and gestational hypertension and pre-eclampsia, breastfeeding and advice on discharge. These recommendations are marked [2019].
We have also made some changes without an evidence review:
Combined, updated and clarified advice throughout to make it simpler to follow.
Updated advice on pre-eclampsia in line with the NICE guidelines on antenatal care and pre-term labour and birth.
Amended dose information for aspirin use in pre-eclampsia in line with current national guidance.
Updated advice on rest, exercise and work for women with pre-eclampsia in line with the NICE guideline on antenatal care.
Expanded the advice on the risks of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors to treat hypertension in pregnancy.
Expanded and amended the advice on chlorothiazide to thiazide and thiazide-like diuretics, because chlorothiazide is no longer widely used.
Updated terminology used for various aspects of treatment in line with current practice.
Updated the advice on when to offer planned early birth and action to take beforehand.
Updated the advice on continuing antihypertensive treatment after birth, including treatment with methyldopa.
Added cross references where suitable to NICE guidance on breastfeeding.
Updated guidance if necessary to be more specific on which healthcare professionals are responsible for undertaking reviews and checks.
Updated scan and test times for women with chronic hypertension in pregnancy, and why scans and tests may be needed.
Updated advice about creating care plans and who should be involved.
Updated advice on anti-convulsants.
Updated advice on angiotensin-receptor blockers during breastfeeding.
Updated definitions and terms used to reflect current clinical practice.
These recommendations are marked [2010, amended 2019].
Recommendations marked [2010] last had an evidence review in 2010. In some cases, minor changes have been made to the wording to bring the language and style up to date, without changing the meaning.
Minor changes since publication
October 2023: We updated links to the NICE guideline on intrapartum care, which has been updated.
October 2022: We added text to indicate that pulse oximetry may be less reliable in people with dark skin. We also added a link to the NHS patient safety alert on the risk of harm from inappropriate placement of pulse oximeter probes. See recommendation 1.5.7.
August 2022: We corrected the term 'first pregnancy' to 'nulliparity' in recommendation 1.1.3.
ISBN: 978-1-4731-5130-7