Update information

Update information

November 2024: We have reviewed the evidence for, and updated and made new recommendations on, diagnosis of endometriosis. As part of this update some recommendations on signs and symptoms were also amended. These new and updated recommendations are marked [2017, amended 2024] or [2024]. Additionally, the diagnosis and referral section has been reviewed and reordered to better reflect current clinical practice and the care pathway. Unless otherwise indicated no changes have been made to recommendations that have been reordered.

We have also made an editorial update to a recommendation on information and support to clarify what information should be provided and when. This recommendation is marked [2017, amended 2024].

April 2024: We have reviewed the evidence and updated some recommendations, and made a recommendation for research, on treatment of endometriosis when fertility is a priority. These recommendations are marked [2017, amended 2024]. We have also amended the heading 'Surgical management when fertility is a priority' to 'Management if fertility is a priority' to recognise that this section also covers non-surgical options.

Minor changes since publication

December 2021: We amended the recommendations on referral to clarify that women with endometriosis outside the pelvic cavity should be referred to a specialist endometriosis centre. For more information, see the surveillance report.

ISBN: 978-1-4731-6595-3