Appendix E: supporting documents
Appendix E: supporting documents
Supporting documents include the following:
Effectiveness reviews:
Review 1: 'Interventions on control of alcohol price, promotion and availability for prevention of alcohol-use disorders in adults and young people'
Review 2: 'Screening and brief interventions for prevention and early identification of alcohol-use disorders in adults and young people'.
Economic analysis:
Review 3: 'Prevention and early identification of alcohol-use disorders in adults and young people. Macro-level interventions for alcohol use-disorders: cost-effectiveness review'
Review 4: 'Prevention and early identification of alcohol-use disorders in adults and young people. Screening and brief interventions: cost-effectiveness review'
Economic modelling report: 'Modelling to assess the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of public health-related strategies and interventions to reduce alcohol attributable harm in England using the Sheffield alcohol policy model version 2.0'.
Fieldwork report: Alcohol-use disorders: preventing the development of hazardous or harmful drinking'.