Appendix A Membership of the Programme Development Group (PDG), the NICE project team and external contractors

Appendix A Membership of the Programme Development Group (PDG), the NICE project team and external contractors

Programme Development Group

PDG membership is multidisciplinary. The Group comprises public health practitioners, clinicians, local authority officers, teachers, social care professionals, representatives of the public, academics and technical experts as follows.

Ralph Bagge
Community Member

Nick Cavill
Director, Cavill Associates

Adrian Davis
Public Health and Transport Consultant, NHS Bristol

Charlie Foster
Programme Leader, University of Oxford

Mark Frost
Senior Transport Planner, London Borough of Hounslow

Melvyn Hillsdon
Associate Professor of Exercise and Health Behaviour, University of Exeter

Philip Insall
Director, Health, Sustrans

Tim Jones
Research Fellow, Land Use and Transportation Planning, Oxford Brookes University

Patrick Lingwood
Walking and Cycling Officer, Bedford Borough Council

Susie Morrow
Community Member

Nanette Mutrie
Chair of Physical Activity for Health, University of Edinburgh; formerly Professor of Exercise and Sport Psychology, University of Strathclyde

Jennifer Roberts
Professor of Economics, University of Sheffield

Harry Rutter
(Chair) Senior Clinical Research Fellow, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine; formerly Director, National Obesity Observatory

NICE project team

Mike Kelly
CPHE Director

Jane Huntley
Associate Director

Hugo Crombie
Lead Analyst

Charlotte Haynes

James Jagroo

Kim Jeong
Technical Adviser, Health Economics

Victoria Axe
Project Manager

Sue Jelley
Senior Editor

Alison Lake

External contractors

Evidence reviews

Review 1 was carried out by the School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR), University of Sheffield. The principal authors were: Lindsay Blank, Roy Jones, Helen Buckley Woods and Nick Payne.

Review 2 was carried out by ScHARR, University of Sheffield. The principal authors were: Maxine Johnson, Lindsay Blank, Roy Jones, Helen Buckley Woods and Nick Payne.

Cost effectiveness

The review of economic evaluations was carried out by ScHARR, University of Sheffield. The principal authors were Laurence Blake and Alan Brennan.

The economic modelling was carried out by ScHARR, University of Sheffield. The principal authors were Laurence Blake and Alan Brennan.

Expert testimony

Expert paper 1 by Phillipa Hunt, Living Streets

Expert paper 2 by Colin Pooley, Lancaster University

Expert paper 3 by Chris Peck, CTC, the national cyclists' organisation

Expert paper 4 by Ed Plowden, Bristol City Council

Expert paper 5 by David Ogilvie and Jenna Panter, MRC Epidemiology Unit

Expert paper 6 by John Pucher, Rutgers University