The different assumptions and methodology used (see sections 4.2.25 to 4.2.37) resulted in a range of ICERs for the options for first-line treatment of multiple myeloma in people for whom high-dose chemotherapy with stem cell transplantation is considered inappropriate. The Assessment Group and manufacturers' base-case cost-effectiveness results for MPT versus MP varied between £8,912 (manufacturer of bortezomib) and £23,381 (manufacturer of thalidomide) per QALY gained. The Assessment Group and manufacturers' base-case cost-effectiveness results for VMP versus MP varied between £10,498 (manufacturer of bortezomib) and £29,837 (Assessment Group) per QALY gained. The Assessment Group and manufacturers' base-case cost-effectiveness results for CTDa versus MP varied between £10,905 (manufacturer of bortezomib) and £33,216 (Assessment Group) per QALY gained. The Assessment Group and manufacturers' base-case cost-effectiveness results for MPT versus VMP were £303,845 (manufacturer of thalidomide), and £319,923 (when the Assessment Group used the scenario of 31 vials of bortezomib) per QALY gained. The Assessment Group's incremental analysis of its base-case cost-effectiveness results suggested MPT dominates VMP because it is more effective and cheaper. The additional scenarios presented by the manufacturer of bortezomib following consultation on the appraisal consultation document (May 2010) resulted in ICERs for VMP versus MPT of £39,733 per QALY gained (scenario 2), £14,426 per QALY gained (scenario 4) and £21,565 (scenario 5). VMP was dominated by MPT in scenarios 1 and 3. The revised ICERs presented by the manufacturer of bortezomib and the Assessment Group following the release of the economic model for MPT versus MP varied between £9,189 (Assessment Group) and £13,722 (manufacturer of bortezomib, scenario 3) per QALY gained, for VMP versus MP varied between £19,505 (manufacturer of bortezomib, all 3 scenarios) and £29,930 (Assessment Group) per QALY gained and for CTDa versus MP varied between £11,890 (manufacturer of bortezomib, scenario 2) and £34,014 (manufacturer of bortezomib, scenario 1) per QALY gained. The Assessment Group's incremental analysis of its revised cost-effectiveness results suggested that MPT continued to dominate VMP.