The Committee considered the manufacturer's economic model, the assumptions on which the parameters were based, and the critique and exploratory analyses conducted by the ERG. The Committee noted that the model structure and many of the input parameters were identical to those used in the economic model for NICE technology appraisal guidance 122 (0- to 3-hour window) and agreed that this approach was appropriate. With regard to the clinical-effectiveness parameters used in the model, the Committee acknowledged that the survival benefit associated with alteplase compared with standard care, which resulted from a point estimate for the relative risk for alteplase treatment and death of less than 1, was appropriately reflected in the economic model. However, the Committee noted that the manufacturer had assumed that the relative treatment effect of alteplase was maintained beyond 90 days up to 6 months in the model with no longer-term survival benefit beyond this point. The Committee considered that this may have been a conservative approach if alteplase offers a survival advantage compared with placebo beyond 6 months, a proposition the Committee found plausible, although not currently proven statistically, given that alteplase was associated with a reduction in death or dependence at 90 days. The Committee was aware that the utility values were not adjusted over time in the model, which may have overestimated the QALYs accrued by people in the independent health state and therefore biased the results in favour of alteplase. However, the Committee considered that this was not a crucial limitation of the model because the ICERs were not sensitive to changes in the utility values in the manufacturer's sensitivity analyses, and therefore any downward adjustment over time would have had a small impact on the ICERs. The Committee was also aware that the manufacturer assumed that people who had a symptomatic intracranial haemorrhage in the economic model incurred the additional one-off cost of a CT scan but experienced no further disutility beyond that captured in the dependent or independent health states. The Committee heard from the clinical specialists that this assumption was reasonable. Overall, the Committee concluded that the economic model adhered to the NICE reference case for economic analysis and the modelling approach was reasonable.