Surveillance decision
We will not update the guideline on social anxiety disorder at this time.
Reason for the decision
Assessing the evidence
We found 69 studies through surveillance of this guideline.
This included evidence on pharmacological and psychological interventions for adults and psychological interventions for children that supports current recommendations.
We also identified evidence that was not consistent with current recommendations on pharmacological interventions for children. However, this evidence was considered to be insufficient in volume and in conclusive results to change recommendations in these areas at this time. In general, topic experts agreed that the new evidence would not impact on the recommendations.
We did not find any evidence related to general principles of care in mental health and general medical settings, identification and assessment or specific phobias.
Additionally, we identified relevant ongoing research due to be published in the next 3 to 5 years. There is 1 ongoing trial comparing specific and generic psychological therapy for children and young people with social anxiety disorder. The progress of the ongoing study will be monitored and considered at the next surveillance review when results publish.
Overall decision
After considering all the evidence and views of topic experts and stakeholders, we decided that an update is not necessary for this guideline.
See how we made the decision for further information.
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