Information for the public
Questions to ask about pressure ulcers
Questions to ask about pressure ulcers
Preventing a pressure ulcer
Can you tell me if I am at risk of getting a pressure ulcer?
What are the symptoms of a pressure ulcer?
How do you check my skin to see if I'm likely to get a pressure ulcer?
How can I prevent myself from getting a pressure ulcer?
Can you provide any information for my family/carers?
How often should I change position so I don't get a pressure ulcer?
How often should I reposition my child or the person I care for to stop them getting a pressure ulcer?
What sort of pressure redistributing equipment should I have?
How can I improve my diet to help prevent a pressure ulcer?
How can I improve the diet of my child or the person I care for to prevent a pressure ulcer?
I've had a pressure ulcer before, what can I do to reduce my chances of getting one again?
Treatment and care for your pressure ulcer
What caused my pressure ulcer?
Would improving my diet help to heal my pressure ulcer?
Would improving the diet of my child or the person I care for help to heal their pressure ulcer?
Can you provide any information for my family/carers?
How often should I change position to help relieve my pressure ulcer?
How often should I move my child or the person I care for to help relieve their pressure ulcer?
What sort of pressure redistributing equipment can I have?
What are my options for treatments other than the one you have offered me?