Questions to ask about mental health problems in pregnancy and the year after birth

These questions may help you discuss your condition or the treatments you have been offered with healthcare professionals.

Finding out what's wrong (diagnosis)

  • Can you tell me what an assessment involves?

  • Where will I have an assessment?

  • How long will I have to wait until I have an assessment?

  • How long will it take to get the results of the assessment?

About your condition

  • Can you tell me more about mental health problems in pregnancy and the year after giving birth?

  • Are there any support organisations in my local area?

  • Can you provide any information for my partner and family/carers?


  • Can you tell me why you have decided to offer me this type of treatment?

  • What are the pros and cons of this treatment?

  • Can we discuss the risks for me and my baby in having and not having the treatment?

  • Can you give me some information about these risks?

  • How will the treatment help me? What effect will it have on my symptoms and everyday life? What sort of improvements might I expect?

  • How long will it take to have an effect?

  • How long will I need to have the treatment?

  • Are there any serious side effects of this treatment?

  • Will I have any problems when I stop taking the treatment?

  • What are my options for taking other treatments?

For partners, family members, friends or carers

  • What can I/we do to help and support?

  • Is there any other support that I/we as carer(s) might benefit from or be entitled to?

Following up on your treatment

  • When should I start to feel better and what should I do if I don't start to feel better by then?

  • Does the length/dose of my current treatment need to be changed?


  • Who will have access to my records and how long are they kept?