Information for the public
Explanation of technical words and terms
Explanation of technical words and terms
Medication used to treat depression. Antidepressants work by increasing the activity and levels of certain chemicals in the brain that help to lift a person's mood.
In this information we use 'carer' to mean a friend or family member who cares for someone with an illness or disability.
Carer's assessment
An assessment by social services of a carer's physical and mental health and their needs in their role as a carer. Every person aged 16 years and older who cares for someone on a regular basis has the right to request such an assessment. There should be a written carer's plan, which is given to the carer.
Medication used mainly in the treatment of a mental disorder called bipolar disorder (or manic depression) but which can also be used to treat moderate or severe depression in combination with an antidepressant.