Sarcoma: surveillance review proposal consultation

Surveillance review of Sarcoma: Improving outcomes for people with sarcoma

A review has been undertaken to decide whether NICE should update this guidance.  

Published guidelines undergo surveillance reviews every 2 years after publication to decide if an update is needed at that time. More details on surveillance reviews are avialable here.

We are also consulting on transferring this guideline to the static list as it meets one of the following criteria:

  • No quality standard commissioned


  • A previous full review which yielded a ‘no update' decision and at that time no major ongoing studies/research was identified as due to be published in the near future (that is within the next 3-5 years)

Clinical guidelines placed on the static list will be reviewed every 5 years to determine if they should remain on the static list. Routine surveillance every 2 years (as per the process for active guidelines) would not be carried out on guidelines transferred to the static list.

  • Consideration to transfer a clinical guideline back to the active surveillance list may occur in the following circumstances:
  • The high level review at 5 years yields new evidence which may impact on the guidance
  • Stakeholders notify NICE of relevant new evidence which may impact on guidance at any time point, for example safety data.
  • A quality standard is commissioned that relates to a guideline on the static list

Registered stakeholders for the guidance are invited to comment on the provisional review decision via this website. 

Individuals and organisations not registered as stakeholders are not able to comment, we recommend that you register as a stakeholder or you contact the registered stakeholder organisation that most closely represents your interests and pass your comments to them.

Note that the provisional review decision presented here does not constitute the Institute's formal decision on this topic. The decision is provisional and may change after consultation.

Consultation dates: 9am on 13/01/14 to 5pm on 24/01/14

Consultation documents

How to submit your comments

Please provide all responses to the review proposal documents using the comments proforma (ensuring all relevant fields are completed, including your organisation’s full name) and forward this electronically by 5pm on 24/01/14 at the very latest to this email address:

The Institute is unable to accept:

  • Comments from non-registered organisations – if you wish your comments to be considered please register via the NICE website
  • Comments from individuals – please contact the registered stakeholder organisation that most closely represents your interests and pass your comments to them.
  • Comments received after the consultation deadline (5pm)
  • Comments that are not on the correct proforma
  •  More than one response per stakeholder organisation
  • Confidential information or other material that you would not wish to be made public
  • Personal medical information about yourself or another person from which your or the person’s identity could be ascertained.

What will happen to your comments:

  • Comments from registered stakeholders and nominated expert reviewers ONLY will be sent to the review team at the end of the consultation. These will inform the final decision made by the NICE Guidance Executive.  
  • No action will be taken upon receipt of personal, individual comments, comments from non-registered organisations and late comments.

Anticipated review decision date: Feb 2014

Further information

This page was last updated: 13 January 2014