Early Value Assessment consultation
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) is producing an Early Value Assessment on Digitally enabled therapies for adults with anxiety disorders.
in the NHS in England. The Medical Technologies Advisory committee has considered the evidence and the views of clinical and patient experts.
You can now comment on the draft early value assessment consultation document.
It summarises the evidence and views considered and sets out the recommendations made by the committee. NICE invites comments from registered stakeholders, healthcare professionals and the public.
How to comment
You should read both the consultation document and the accompanying evidence (see the committee papers) before making any comments.
You must make your comments directly onto the online version of the consultation document. When you go into the document you will find instructions on how to use the commenting software. You can also review and edit your comments before you submit them.
You can download a PDF version of the consultation document, but you can only make comments on the online version.
Consultation documents
Closing date for comments: 5pm, Wednesday 15th March 2023
We have asked some questions about the consultation that we would like you to answer. You will be able to see the questions when you go into the online consultation document.
Equality issues
NICE is committed to promoting equality of opportunity, eliminating unlawful discrimination and fostering good relations between people with particular protected characteristics and others. Please let us know if you think that the recommendations may need changing to meet these aims. In particular, please tell us if the recommendations:
could have a different effect on people protected by the equality legislation than on the wider population, for example by making it more difficult in practice for a specific group to access the technology
could have any adverse effect on people with a particular disability or disabilities.
Please provide any relevant information or data you have about such effects and how they could be avoided or reduced.
Note that this document is not NICE's final guidance on this technology. The recommendations in section 1 may change after consultation.
After the consultation has closed the medical technologies advisory committee will meet again to consider the responses received and prepare the final medical technologies document.
Find out more
If you have any problems contact medtech@nice.org.uk