NICE are delaying publication of the final Overweight and Obesity guideline in order to ensure it is useful and usable for our stakeholders in line with the NICE transformation plan. We will provide a further update on this page when this work is complete. We apologise for any inconvenience this delay may cause.


Key events during the development of the guidance:

Date Update
17 October 2023 - 28 November 2023 Draft guidance consultation
16 August 2023 Pre-consultation documents released
13 July 2022 Equality and health inequalities assessment
04 October 2021 Declaration of interests
13 September 2021 Committee meeting
05 August 2021 Committee list updated
17 June 2021 Scope published
09 April 2021 - 07 May 2021 Draft scope consultation
09 April 2021 - 07 May 2021 Committee member recruitment
07 April 2021 Stakeholder list updated
11 March 2021 Stakeholder workshop
02 December 2020 Statement
02 December 2020 December 2020: Statement containing further information about the weight management update.

For further information on the guideline development process, please see how we develop NICE guidelines