Status In progress
Developed As CG

Email enquiries


Key events during the development of the guidance:

Date Update
09 April 2024 Declaration of interests
05 April 2024 Stakeholder list updated
05 October 2023 - 15 November 2023 Draft guidance consultation
11 July 2023 Pre-consultation documents released
28 March 2022 Committee list updated
04 March 2022 Scope published
04 March 2022 Guideline title changed from Gambling: identification, diagnosis and management to Harmful gambling: identification, assessment and management
24 February 2022 Committee meeting
16 November 2021 - 14 December 2021 Draft scope consultation
16 November 2021 - 14 December 2021 Committee member recruitment
20 October 2021 Scoping workshop
01 June 2021 - 15 June 2021 Topic expert committee member recruitment
01 June 2021 - 15 June 2021 Committee chair recruitment

For further information on the guideline development process, please see how we develop NICE guidelines