Methods / process manual consultation

You can now review and comment on the Health inequalities modular update of NICE Health Technology Evaluations: the manual (PMG36). 

The consultation closes on Friday 31 January 2025 at 17:00 

How to comment 

1. Register your organisation or comment as an individual

If you’re commenting for an organisation, your organisation needs to be registered as a stakeholder.  

We can accept comments from individuals. These will be considered, but you won’t get a formal response and they won’t be posted on the NICE website. Wherever possible we encourage you to submit your comments through a registered stakeholder organisation. 

2. Read the consultation documents 

Documents to comment on: 

 Health inequalities modular update: Draft consultation document (online commenting)

Technology evaluation methods support document: Health inequalities: Draft consultation document (online commenting)

Other supporting documentation

Health inequalities task and finish group report (downloadable version)

3. Add your comments 

You must use the online comment collection facility. Please see this video on how to comment for guidance on how to use online commenting. 

You must declare any links with, or funding from, the tobacco industry 

If you share similar views with another organisation, please send a joint response. 

Deadline: Friday 31 January 2025 at 17:00 


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