Suggested remit - To appraise the clinical and cost effectiveness of fingolimod within its marketing authorisation for treating relapsing multiple sclerosis in children and young people.
Status Topic selection
Technology type Medicine
Decision Not selected
Further information Following on from information provided to NICE by the company in September 2018, the appraisal of Fingolimod for treating relapsing multiple sclerosis in children and young people [ID1378] was suspended from NICE’s work programme. This topic will instead be covered by the NHS England Medicines for Children policy.
ID number 1378

Email enquiries


Key events during the development of the guidance:

Date Update
13 February 2023 Topic selection. Following on from information provided to NICE by the company in September 2018, the appraisal of Fingolimod for treating relapsing multiple sclerosis in children and young people [ID1378] was suspended from NICE’s work programme. This topic will instead be covered by the NHS England Medicines for Children policy.
31 May 2018 (14:00) Scoping workshop (Manchester)
22 March 2018 - 23 April 2018 Consultation on suggested remit, draft scope and provisional matrix of consultees and commentators

For further information on how we select topics for development, please see our page about topic selection