Suggested remit: To appraise the clinical and cost effectiveness of lenacapavir within its marketing authorisation for treating multidrug resistant HIV-1 for whom it is not possible to construct a suppressive anti-viral regimen.
Status Topic selection
Technology type Medicine
Decision Not selected
Reason for decision Not eligible for Health Technology Evaluation guidance
Further information The NICE Topic Selection Oversight Panel (TSOP), met in May 2023 to carefully consider the suitability of this topic for a Technology Appraisal (TA). The panel concluded it would not be an efficient use of NHS resources to conduct an evaluation. The topic will be formally removed from the NICE work programme. Due to the non-selection, NHS England may consider the technology for routine commissioning – please see section 3.1 of the NHS England Procedural note: non submission of data to NICE for further information. Any request for consideration for routine commissioning needs to be submitted via a clinician; the Service Development Policy outlines the process.
ID number 6196

Project Team

Project lead Emily Richards

Email enquiries


Key events during the development of the guidance:

Date Update
19 June 2023 Topic selection. Change in decision
17 March 2023 - 18 April 2023 Consultation on suggested remit, draft scope and provisional stakeholder list of consultees and commentators: 6196
23 December 2022 In progress

For further information on how we select topics for development, please see our page about topic selection