
A list of downloadable documents created during development.

Final appraisal determination

Erlotinib and gefitinib for treating non-small-cell lung cancer that has progressed following prior chemotherapy (Review of TA162 and TA175): appraisal consultation 3

Lung cancer (non-small cell) - erlotinib & gefitinib (post chemotherapy) (rev TA162, TA175): appraisal consultation

Lung cancer (non-small cell) - erlotinib & gefitinib (post chemotherapy) (rev TA162, TA175): assessment report

Lung cancer (non-small cell) - erlotinib & gefitinib (post chemotherapy) (rev TA162, TA175): protocol

Lung cancer (non-small cell) - erlotinib & gefitinib (post chemotherapy) (rev TA162, TA175): final scope

Lung cancer (non-small cell) - erlotinib & gefitinib (post chemotherapy) (rev TA162, TA175): final matrix

Lung cancer (non-small cell) - erlotinib & gefitinib (post chemotherapy) (rev TA162, TA175): NICE response to C&C comments on draft and provisional matrix

Lung cancer (non-small cell) - erlotinib & gefitinib (post chemotherapy) (rev TA162, TA175): scoping EIA

Lung cancer (non-small cell) - erlotinib & gefitinib (post chemotherapy) (rev TA162, TA175): addendum to the assessment report