How to comment

You should read both the consultation document and the accompanying evidence (see the committee papers) before making any comments.

We have a new way of making comments on this consultation. You must make your comments directly onto the online version of the consultation document. When you go into the document you will find instructions on how to use the new commenting software. You can also review and edit your comments before you submit them.

You can download a PDF version of the consultation document, but you can only make comments on the online version.

Consultation document

Supporting documents



About the consultation

NICE is looking at transcutaneous electrical stimulation of the trigeminal nerve for ADHD.

NICE’s interventional procedures advisory committee met to consider the evidence and the opinions of professional experts with knowledge of the procedure.

This document contains the draft guidance for consultation. Your views are welcome, particularly:

  • comments on the draft recommendations
  • information about factual inaccuracies
  • additional relevant evidence, with references if possible.

NICE is committed to promoting equality of opportunity, eliminating unlawful discrimination and fostering good relations between people with particular protected characteristics and others.

This is not NICE’s final guidance on this procedure. The draft guidance may change after this consultation.

After consultation ends, the committee will:

  • meet again to consider the consultation comments, review the evidence and make appropriate changes to the draft guidance
  • prepare a second draft, which will go through a resolution process before the final guidance is agreed.

Please note that we reserve the right to summarise and edit comments received during consultation or not to publish them at all if, in the reasonable opinion of NICE, there are a lot of comments or if publishing the comments would be unlawful or otherwise inappropriate.

Closing date for comments: 18 August 2022

Target date for publication of guidance: December 2022


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