
NICE has developed a medtech innovation briefing (MIB) on MiniMed 640G system with SmartGuard for managing blood glucose levels in people with type 1 diabetes.

The MiniMed 640G integrated sensor-augmented pump therapy system with SmartGuard is a continuous glucose monitoring and insulin delivery system for people with type 1 diabetes. It can automatically suspend insulin delivery if blood glucose is predicted to drop below a pre-set level within 30 minutes. The available clinical evidence on the effectiveness and safety of the system is limited to 1 abstract, which reports a small, short-term prospective case series in which the sensor-determined glucose level did not reach a pre-set low limit in most predictive insulin suspensions. Two further proof-of-concept studies showed that the same algorithm as that used in the MiniMed 640G prevented hypoglycaemia both during night hours and during exercise. The MiniMed 640G system (insulin pump and transmitter) costs £3485 with additional consumable costs of about £400 per month.

The MiniMed 640G with SmartGuard is a new integrated sensor-augmented pump therapy system, which became available during the development of the NICE diagnostics guidance on integrated sensor-augmented pump therapy systems.

MIBs provide a description of the medical technology, including its likely place in therapy, the costs of using the technology and a critical review of the strengths and weaknesses of the relevant published evidence.

Their purpose is to provide objective information on device and diagnostic technologies to aid local decision-making by clinicians, managers and procurement professionals. By making this information available, NICE helps to avoid the need for NHS organisations to produce similar information for local use.

MIBs are not NICE guidance. They differ in format, contain no judgement on the value of the technology and do not constitute a guidance recommendation.

MIBs are commissioned by NHS England and produced in support of the NHS 5 Year Forward View, specifically as one of a number of steps which will accelerate innovation in new treatments and diagnostics