
NICE has developed a medtech innovation briefing (MIB) on the CareLink network service for remote monitoring of people with cardiac devices.

The CareLink network service is a remote monitoring system for people with a Medtronic implantable cardiac device. The service uses the MyCareLink monitor or MyCareLink Smart (for smartphones or tablets) to collect data remotely from the device. These data are transferred to the patient’s clinician through the CareLink network with the aim of reducing the need for face-to-face follow‑up visits. Evidence from prospective studies of mixed quality suggests that the CareLink network service decreases the time from the detection of a clinical event to a clinical decision, and decreases the number of emergency visits and healthcare use in people with heart failure when compared with standard face-to-face follow‑up. The CareLink network service showed a lower number of false negatives when compared with other home monitoring devices and had 100% event notification. The list price of the CareLink network service including all components and software is £970 (excluding VAT) per patient.

NICE has also published a medtech innovation briefing on the LATITUDE NXT remote monitoring system for people with a compatible Boston Scientific implantable cardiac device.

MIBs provide a description of the medical technology, including its likely place in therapy, the costs of using the technology and a critical review of the strengths and weaknesses of the relevant published evidence.

Their purpose is to provide objective information on device and diagnostic technologies to aid local decision-making by clinicians, managers and procurement professionals. By making this information available, NICE helps to avoid the need for NHS organisations to produce similar information for local use.

MIBs are not NICE guidance. They differ in format, contain no judgement on the value of the technology and do not constitute a guidance recommendation.

MIBs are commissioned by NHS England and produced in support of the NHS 5 Year Forward View, specifically as one of a number of steps which will accelerate innovation in new treatments and diagnostics.