Resource impact summary report

Zio XT is recommended as an option for people with suspected cardiac arrhythmias who would benefit from ambulatory electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring for longer than 24 hours only if NHS organisations collect information. The information required to be collected is the resource use associated with the use of the Zio XT and the longer-term clinical consequences for people who have monitoring with Zio XT. For further information please see the medical technologies guidance on Zio XT for detecting cardiac arrhythmias (MTG52).

The effect of adopting Zio XT on costs and resources is uncertain because there is not enough evidence about resource use and the long-term consequences of using it.

We expect this guidance to be initially cost incurring due to the cost of the biosensor device used in the Zio XT service. However, this cost may be offset by the capacity benefits expected to arise from a reduction in repeat tests and outpatient attendances. Further downstream benefits are anticipated with a potential reduction in strokes. This would be offset by any additional treatment costs that would be incurred to prevent a stroke.

The use of Zio XT may lead to a reduction in the use of Holter including any supporting equipment.

resource impact template is available to support this statement to enable organisations to undertake an assessment of the potential resource impact of using Zio XT.

The financial impact for providers and commissioners resulting from any capacity benefit will be determined by the contract in place, but the capacity benefit may assist in reducing waiting lists.

The technology is commissioned by clinical commissioning groups. Providers are NHS hospital trusts.

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