Research recommendations coming out of this guidance Medication for promoting de-escalation:- Which medication is effective in promoting de-escalation in people who are identified as likely to demonstrate significant violence? Violence related to drug or alcohol misuse:- What is the best environment in which to contain violence in people who have misused drugs or alcohol? Advance statements and decisions:- What forms of management of violence and aggression do service users prefer and do advance statements and decisions have an important role in management and prevention? Content and nature of effective de-escalation:- What is the content and nature of effective de-escalatory actions, interactions and activities used by mental health nurses, including the most effective and efficient means of training nurses to usethem in a timely and appropriate way? Long duration or very frequent manual restraint:- In what circumstances and how often are long-duration or repeated manual restraint used, and what alternatives are there that are safer and more effective?
Medication for promoting de-escalation:- Which medication is effective in promoting de-escalation in people who are identified as likely to demonstrate significant violence?
Violence related to drug or alcohol misuse:- What is the best environment in which to contain violence in people who have misused drugs or alcohol?
Advance statements and decisions:- What forms of management of violence and aggression do service users prefer and do advance statements and decisions have an important role in management and prevention?
Content and nature of effective de-escalation:- What is the content and nature of effective de-escalatory actions, interactions and activities used by mental health nurses, including the most effective and efficient means of training nurses to usethem in a timely and appropriate way?
Long duration or very frequent manual restraint:- In what circumstances and how often are long-duration or repeated manual restraint used, and what alternatives are there that are safer and more effective?