About this guideline

What does this guideline cover?

This guideline is a partial update of NICE's guideline on obesity prevention. It will replace recommendations to in section 1.1.1 (see the scope).

It does not cover weaning, the particular needs of women during pregnancy or people who have conditions that increase their risk of becoming overweight or obese. It also does not cover interventions to:

  • prevent children or adults becoming overweight or obese

  • identify or assess people who are overweight or obese

  • manage the weight of people who are overweight or obese.

The absence of any recommendations on interventions that fall within the scope of this guideline is a result of lack of evidence. It should not be taken as a judgement on whether they are cost effective.

How was this guideline developed?

The recommendations are based on the best available evidence. They were developed by the Public Health Advisory Committee (PHAC).

Members of the PHAC are listed in membership of the Public Health Advisory Committee and the NICE project team.

For information on how NICE public health guidelines are developed, see the NICE public health guideline process and methods guides.

What evidence is the guideline based on?

The evidence that the PHAC considered included:

  • Evidence reviews:

    • Review 1 'An evidence review of modifiable diet and physical activity components, and associated behaviours', was carried out by Bazian. The principal authors were: Alicia White, Sarah Caton, Rob Davies, Alex Bhatti, Laura Johnson, Simon Sebire.

    • Review 2 'Qualitative evidence review of the most acceptable ways to communicate information about individually modifiable behaviours to help maintain a healthy weight or prevent excess weight gain' was carried out by Bazian. The principal authors were: Rob Davies, Alicia White, Sarah Caton, Alex Bhatti, Laura Johnson, Simon Sebire.

  • 'Maintenance of a healthy weight and prevention of weight gain in children and adults. Cost effectiveness considerations from a population modelling viewpoint' was produced by NICE. The principal author was Alastair Fischer.

In some cases the evidence was insufficient and the PHAC has made recommendations for future research. For the research recommendations and gaps in research, see recommendations for research and gaps in the evidence.