Research recommendation(s) from an individual piece of guidance
- Guidance:
- Physical activity and the environment
- Date issued:
Research recommendations coming out of this guidance
Public transport provision and ticketing:- How effective and cost effective are changes to public transport provision and ticketing in creating and sustaining an increase in physical activity at a population level?
Changes to public open spaces:- How effective and cost effective are environmental changes to public open spaces (including blue, green and grey spaces) in creating and sustaining an increase in physical activity at a population level?
Use of public open spaces by particular groups:- How effective and cost effective are environmental changes to increase physical activity through use of public open spaces (including blue, green and grey spaces) by the following groups:
- black and minority ethnic groups
- groups with low socioeconomic status
- groups experiencing other forms of disadvantage, for example carers, people with severe mental health conditions?
Are effects maintained over time? -
People with limited mobility:- How effective and cost effective are environmental changes to increase physical activity among people with limited mobility because of either enduring or life-stage specific factors (for example, small children, parents with prams or buggies, disabled people including those with sensory
impairments and learning disabilities, older people, people with dementia and their carers)? Are effects maintained over time? -
Reducing car ownership:- Does reducing car use or ownership change physical activity levels? Are effects maintained over time?
Interaction between behavioural and environmental interventions:- What is the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of interventions to change the environment alone, compared with interventions to change the environment that are supported by interventions to change people's behaviour?