Alcohol-use disorders (prevention): consultation on the evidence

NICE was asked by the Department of Health (DH) to develop public health programme guidance on Alcohol use disorders in adults and young people: prevention and early identification.

Read the scope.

All registered stakeholders were invited to comment on the evidence that had been assembled to inform the development of this guidance. This evidence will be used by the Programme Development Group (PDG) on Alcohol Use Disorders (Prevention) to develop draft recommendations. The evidence comprises of two reviews of effectiveness and two reviews of cost effectiveness.

Registered stakeholders were also invited to submit relevant additional evidence for consideration.

Any material submitted by stakeholders during this consultation will be assessed for its relevance using NICE's standard methods, as set out in the Methods for development of NICE public health guidance' available on the NICE website. Relevant material will be included in a supplementary report to the PDG


The consultation on this evidence closed at 5pm on 17th June 2009.


PLEASE NOTE: The Institute reserves the right to summarise and edit comments received during consultations, or not to publish them at all, where in the reasonable opinion of the Institute, the comments are voluminous, publication would be unlawful or publication would be otherwise inappropriate.


Consultation Documents

Please note, the evidence presented here does not constitute the Institute's guidance on this topic. NICE will issue draft guidance on Alcohol Use Disorders (Prevention) in September 2009

This page was last updated: 30 March 2010