Appendix E: Supporting documents
Appendix E: Supporting documents
Supporting documents include:
Evidence reviews:
Review 1: 'Providing public information to prevent skin cancer'.
Review 2: 'Synthesis of the West Midland health technology assessment collaboration reports: providing public health information to prevent skin cancer: review of effectiveness and cost effectiveness (dated February 2009) and addendum (dated May 2009) – including before and after studies'
Review 3: 'Providing public information to prevent skin cancer: barriers to and facilitators to conveying information to prevent the first occurrence of skin cancer: a systematic review of qualitative literature'
Review 4: 'Sun protection resources and environmental changes to prevent skin cancer: a systematic review'
Review 5: 'Sun protection resources and changes to the environment to prevent skin cancer: qualitative evidence review'.
Economic modelling:
Report 1: 'Providing public health information to prevent skin cancer: modelling strategies for primary prevention of skin cancer'
Report 2: 'Economic analysis to inform the development of NICE public health intervention guidance on information, sun protection resources and physical changes to the environment to prevent skin cancer (phase 2)'.
Expert papers:
Expert paper 1: 'A summary of key messages to be included in public information resources for the primary prevention of skin cancer'
Expert paper 2: 'Summary of current policy drivers and national practice overview'
Expert paper 3: 'National campaigns (UK and worldwide)'
Expert paper 4: 'Vitamin D'
Expert paper 5: 'Physical activity and the school environment'
Expert paper 6: 'Outdoor workers and sports participants – sun protection challenges'
Expert paper 7: 'The impact of role models on sun protection behaviours'.