Who should take action?
The guidance is for everyone working in health and social care whose work brings them into contact with people who experience or perpetrate domestic violence and abuse.
This includes: people working in criminal justice settings and detention centres, health and social care commissioners, including clinical commissioning groups and local authorities, and staff working for specialist domestic violence and abuse services. The latter could be working in local authorities, the NHS and other organisations in the public, private, voluntary and community sectors. The guidance is also aimed at local strategic partnerships and health and wellbeing boards.
In addition, it will be of interest to people affected by domestic violence and abuse, including those who perpetrate it, those who experience it, their families or carers and other members of the public.
Who should take action | Recommendation |
NHS England |
16 |
Organisations that coordinate or offer training, or that register and set standards for professionals |
15, 17 |
Health services, local authorities and strategic partnerships (including health and wellbeing boards) |
1, 2, 3, 12, 13, 14 |
Local safeguarding children boards and other local partnerships with a responsibility for safeguarding children |
10, 11 |
Commissioners |
1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 |
Heads and managers of health and social care services |
5, 6, 15, 17 |
Service providers |
5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 16 |
Health and social care staff |
6, 8, 12, 13 |
Who should take action in detail
Recommendation 1
Local, regional and national commissioners of domestic violence and abuse services and related services; strategic partnerships, for example, health and wellbeing boards, local domestic violence partnerships; community safety partnerships
Recommendation 2
Local authorities, health services and their strategic partners (including those in the voluntary and community sectors)
Recommendation 3
Local strategic partnerships on domestic violence and abuse; commissioners, including clinical commissioning groups and local authorities
Recommendation 4
Commissioners of health and social care services
Recommendation 5
Health and social care service managers in the statutory, voluntary, community and private sectors; specialist domestic violence and abuse services and related services. The latter includes: criminal justice, early years and youth services, housing, the police, prison and probation services, schools and colleges, and services for older people
Recommendation 6
Health and social care service managers and professionals
Recommendation 7
Health, social care, education, criminal justice, probation and voluntary and community sector commissioners and service providers involved with those who experience or perpetrate domestic violence and abuse
Recommendation 8
Managers of domestic violence and abuse services; staff in all health and social care settings, including the public, voluntary and community sectors, and those they work with. The latter includes: criminal justice, including prisons, early years and youth services, housing, the police, schools and colleges, and services for older people
Recommendation 9
Health and social care commissioners and service providers in the public, voluntary and community sector; managers and commissioners of interpreting services
Recommendation 10
Local safeguarding children boards and other local partnerships with a responsibility for safeguarding children; providers of services where children and young people who are affected by domestic violence and abuse may be identified in the public, community and voluntary sectors. The latter includes: accident and emergency departments, child and adolescent mental health services, dental services, GP practices, health visiting, maternity services, sexual health services and other health services; early years services, schools and colleges, school nursing services; social care; specialist paediatric services for child safeguarding and looked after children; alcohol and drug misuse services; youth services; youth justice services
Recommendation 11
Local safeguarding children boards and other local partnerships with a responsibility for safeguarding children; commissioners and providers of specialist services for children and young people who are affected by domestic violence and abuse in the public, community and voluntary sectors. The latter includes: child and adolescent mental health, health visiting, sexual health, social care and specialist paediatric services for child safeguarding and looked after children, and youth services
Recommendation 12
Health and social care commissioners (including clinical commissioning groups, local authority commissioners and police and crime commissioners); health and wellbeing boards; frontline practitioners in specialist domestic and sexual violence services (for example, domestic violence and abuse advisers, people working in refuges or outreach services)
Recommendation 13
Clinical commissioning groups and specialist commissioners; police and crime commissioners; health and wellbeing boards; providers of primary care and mental health care services in the private, voluntary and community sectors. The latter includes: health and social care professionals working in alcohol and drug misuse services, detention centres and criminal justice settings
Recommendation 14
Health and wellbeing boards; commissioners of tailored interventions for people who perpetrate domestic violence and abuse
Recommendation 15
Royal colleges and professional organisations responsible for setting training and registration standards for clinical, social workers and social care staff; commissioners; Health Education England; heads of health, social care and related services; universities and other providers of health and social care training, including interpreting
Recommendation 16
NHS England, commissioners and service managers working in specialist domestic violence and abuse services, GPs
Recommendation 17
Royal colleges and professional organisations responsible for setting training and registration standards for relevant clinical, social workers and social care staff; heads of health, social care and related services; universities and other providers of health and social care training for professionals who come into contact with service users, including interpreters