Review of NICE Technology Appraisal Guidance No.163; Infliximab for acute exacerbations of ulcerative colitis

 Proposal to update the existing guidance

 In 2011, the consideration of a review of TA163 was deferred until the results of the GETAID CYSIF and CONSTRUCT trials became available. These trials have now been published.

 In June 2017, it was agreed that the clinical guidelines for Ulcerative colitis: management (CG166) should be updated.

 The forthcoming clinical guideline will provide the appropriate context for the recommendations from TA163 to be updated. The guideline will be able to consider the broader context in which infliximab may be used.

 Consequently we propose that TA163 should be updated in the partial update of the clinical guidelines CG166.

 In order to be completely confident that this is appropriate, we are asking all relevant consultees and commentators, to inform us of any evidence which will help us decide the best way to update this guidance.

 Please see appendix A for a full list of the organisations we have contacted. 


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