Depression - agomelatine (terminated appraisal): review decision

Review of NICE Technology Appraisal Guidance No. 231; Agomelatine for the treatment of major depressive episodes

The Institute was proposing that the forthcoming clinical guideline on depression in adults should include the use of agomelatine, meaning that the termination advice in TA231 would be withdrawn at the point which the clinical guideline is published.

After consideration of all of the comments received during the Review Consultation, the Technology Appraisals programme has decided to proceed with this proposal.

Consequently, the termination advice in TA231 will be updated and superseded by any subsequent recommendations on the use of agomelatine in the clinical guideline, which is due to be published in May 2017. At this point, TA231 will be withdrawn.

May 2015


This page was last updated: 15 May 2015