Melanoma (BRAF V600 mutation positive, unresectable metastatic) - vemurafenib: review proposal November 2014
Review of NICE Technology Appraisal Guidance No. 269; Vemurafenib for treating locally advanced or metastatic BRAF V600 mutation-positive malignant melanoma
Proposal to incorporate the guidance into a Clinical Guideline
The planned date for review of the above guidance is November 2014.
This is the date at which the Institute decides whether sufficient new evidence has emerged for the Appraisal Committee to be asked to undertake a full appraisal review.
There is no evidence available that would be likely to change the existing recommendations in TA269.
As a result, we believe that TA269 should be incorporated into the ongoing clinical guideline for the assessment and management of melanoma, which is due to be published in July 2015. TA269 will be moved to the static list and will remain extant when the guideline is published. This has the consequence of preserving the funding direction and ensures that the existing patient access scheme remains in place.
In order to be completely confident that this is appropriate, we are asking all relevant consultees and commentators, to inform us of any evidence which would suggest that a review would be beneficial. Please see appendix A for a full list of the organisations we have contacted.
November 2014
Appendix A – matrix of stakeholders
Appendix B – proposal paper presented to the Institute’s Guidance Executive
This page was last updated: 20 November 2014